Tuesday 26 November 2013

The First Hundred Days

As long as I haven't gone crazy and can still count, today marks one hundred days since I departed England for America. Aside from the FDR reference, its made me realize that this time abroad hasn't gone quickly like I thought it would, because the terms at Leicester would be finished before you know it. Its a long time since me, Georgia and Joe turned up on campus on a muggy hot day, having no clue where to go and shouting 'Walmart' at people walking past. 

Although the midterms are supposedly when the work piles up here, its still been constant throughout November. We've managed to do a few things, like going to the International Spy Museum in D.C. Its a pretty good place to visit as it shows you how spies did their work over history, while having some fun interactive stuff kids. Although we were all a bit too keen to crawl through the ventilation shaft! But really, the main reason I wanted to go was to see the James Bond exhibition. As well as all the costumes, props like Jaws' teeth, and of course the cars, there was an activity to see how long you could hang from a metal bar like 007. The kids lasted longer than me, but Ted and Sahrish did alright!

We also had a look at the American Art and National Portrait Gallery Smithsonian which was just across the road. Although we didn't see all of it there was some great artwork and photography and I'll return to see the rest. For me, one of the best things about being close to D.C is the number of art galleries.

About a week later we visited Great Falls National Park, which had some stunning views, and it was nice to go for a walk through the forest which looks great this time of year even without leaves. Although my fellow trekkers pull some interesting faces when posing for these pictures....

So much has it happened since 100 days ago and its been great, but just for a few days we'll be leaving the country. Thanksgiving break is here so we're heading up to Montreal, Canada for the rest of the week. Not sure if I'm really prepared for the minus temperatures and probable snow that awaits, but considering the last few British winters I should be alright. See you soon Canada,


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