Thursday 19 December 2013

Merry Christmas George Mason

December brought the Christmas Spirit to Mason, helped by the snow arriving in Fairfax. It was nowhere near as heavy as Montreal but it was nice to see some snow around Christmas time, especially for the students from Brazil who had never seen it before! We decorated our floor, listened to seasonal songs and watched some Xmas films, including to my shame only just seeing Home Alone 2 for the first time (I know). It's been difficult to get too Christmassy though, as December also meant time for Finals. The last 2 weeks have been finishing assignments and completing exams, which were a mixed bag, but the never ending classes are over. Lasting from late August to mid-December its been the longest unbroken learning time I've ever done, and I'm glad to finally get a break.

There's been time for other things, including a trip to the U.S Capitol building. For those who don't know it is the home of Congress, the other part of Government who share a balance of power with the President. We toured the building which was incredibly interesting, its another one of those iconic places where I've learned so much about the history that has taken place there, you can't help but enjoy seeing it all for the first time. Although sitting down in a Senate session to see an almost empty chamber, and a guy apologizing for the Senators being absent because of traffic reminds you that members of the American government, like Britain to be honest, aren't always the most effective workers!

The inside of the dome, a painting called "The Apotheosis of George Washington". I get that they love their American heroes but having him as an angel-like figure looking down on you is a bit odd.

December was also a busy month for birthdays, so we always found time in between the work to celebrate- congrats to Yusuke, Rosalie, Marwan, Terry and anyone else I forgot. I might have had enough cake and champagne to last me through Christmas, but its been worth it. Especially since its the end of a fantastic semester at George Mason, where I have met some brilliant people from all over the world. I chose to be part of the Global Crossings LLC (Living Learning Community) on a whim, not really thinking about what it would be like. The 4th floor of Hampton Roads has turned out to be a great place to live filled with fantastic experiences and stories from across the globe, and other international students from elsewhere have helped make it great. I look forward to seeing most of you again in January for another Semester and will miss greatly those who are heading back home, or to a new experience. So thank you Rosalie and your impromptu dancing, Samir and your philosophy in flip flops, Ted and your classy fashion sense, Jeremy and your slightly extreme love of Lion King, Les Mis and Five Guys, and Marwan and your strange but brilliant humour. We will miss you all and look forward to seeing you again someday- good luck for everything in your future!

To all of you Happy Holidays, have a good break- and to those who celebrate it, have a Merry Christmas!


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