Tuesday 8 April 2014

21 in Toronto!

Last semester we had a few days off for the very American celebration of Thanksgiving, so obviously we ignored it and went up to Canada to visit Montreal. This weekend I finally reached my 21st birthday, which is pretty significant here as its the legal drinking age. I would at last be able to go to a pub or bar and buy my own drink. So with this legal freedom returned to me, what did we do?

Went back to Canada where you can drink at 19. I'm not sure we planned this the best way! It didn't really matter because our trip, via a 14 hour bus ride each way (Megabus was as uncomfortable as ever) took us to the city of Toronto. We turned up in the rain and cold, but once that had cleared we realized what a stunning city it is. 

Our first stop was the Hockey Hall of Fame, which was for Terry's benefit because me and Joe had no clue what any of it was about. I've watched a bit of Ice Hockey and went to a game earlier this year but have no appreciation for the history beyond the Miracle on Ice in the 1980 Winter Olympics. There was some fun stuff there like the old kits and equipment, a guide to the game's evolution, and the Stanley Cup. The highlight had to be a practice space for taking shots against a goalie- Terry did pretty well, I got a few on target (and scored, don't care what the computer says) and we both got schooled by the kids who it was really aimed at and showed how its done. This really isn't the sport for me!

We've been using airbnb to find places to stay on our travels which has turned out well- people rent out a room or their whole home for people to stay, so you can be in a lovely house without paying too much. Our house was fantastic, beautiful living room with a fireplace, huge bathroom and bedrooms, it was a great change from campus accommodation (and sleeping on a bus!). It also meant we could cook our own meals and sit round a table to eat it. It sounds silly but actually it was such a nice thing to be able to do. University life in America is good, but eating on a meal plan at on campus venues is frustrating and I miss the home cooked meals of second year. So this was a huge bonus to have a pasta bake and even better, bacon sandwiches on Saturday. Later we went to one of the many British themed bars in Toronto where I saw in my 21st birthday. And for some reason, watched a bit of World's Strongest Man on T.V. We really do have some strange moments!

We were back on the bus the next day for a trip to a place I never thought I would have the chance to visit, Niagara Falls. I know plenty of people have visited here before, but for me part of the appeal of doing a Year Abroad was to see places I never thought I could go. If you told me a few years ago I would stand by the Lincoln Memorial and look out across the Mall, or cross the Brooklyn Bridge at night and see Manhattan lit up I wouldn't believe you- and Niagara Falls was one of these kind of chances. It is stunning, a true wonder to see- even if you get absolutely soaked and freezing just standing next to it! When I come back to America in any future travels, I'd like to see more natural sights like this, its different to just exploring a city, and was well worth the trip.

Unless you're Terry, then it was just water. And Joe, who compared it to Scarborough!

The BrainTrust

Even I took a selfie. that's how good it was!

Back in Toronto we found a free club for students with good music and finished celebrating my birthday in style, and some quality photobombing!
 Seriously, this woman on the right...
 Lurking as always Joe

We spent our last day in Toronto in fantastic weather and blue skies, and explored the city.We ticked off our Canadian requirements- Poutine and Harbours- and saw landmarks like the CN Tower and Rogers Stadium. We also made a stop at the Steam Whistle Brewery, where we could sit in the sun and just relax- how many times have we been able to do that this semester? 

Toronto was brilliant to us this weekend just gone, and I think it was my favourite trip of my year in America. Canada seems to be always good to us, and my travel plans for the year come to an end in Vancouver for one final Canadian adventure. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you to everyone with me there who made it a great birthday and well-wishers from Mason and home, it was brilliant.


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